Studio filmowe OKNA


"Everything imaginable is truth."
Gustav Flaubert

The first Daniel Strehlau`s fiction short based on his own screenplay and his storyboard from 1993.

The story of a young writer sitting in front of a typewriter, shown struggling for a story and staring out of the windows in front of him. The windows show persons in various emotional states, all interrelated by their situations, thoughts, and feelings. We can see love, solitude, tragedy and death. At the end of the film, the viewer finds out that what they have just seen is the story of the man's creation; fiction created by the main character. Daniel Strehlau did play the first role too.

Screenplay and directed by: 
Daniel Strehlau

Author of photography: 
Jacek Taszakowski

Production Manager:
Daniel Strehlau  

Make – up artist:
Grzegorz Kasperski

Bartlomiej Wozniak

Krzysztof Miętek

Assistant of the director:
Włodzimierz Kuczyński


In the role „X”:
Daniel Strehlau

Piotr Machalica
Monika Sołubianka
Renata Kossobudzka
Maria Kleydysz
Fabian Kiebicz
Katarzyna Kowalska

The other cast:

Grzegorz Press
Małgorzata Penczonek
Jane Bronka
Włodzimierz Kuczyński
Mirosław Kamiński
Marian Serwin
In the film were used parts of:
Blackstreet ft. Dr. Dre: “No digity”
The Doors: “People are strange”
Gustav Mahler: Symphony Nr. 1 D major
and Symphony Nr. 5 C sharp minor

Special thanks:

Studio Buffo
iti FILM
Operator of the pomper
Otrębusy, ul. Piasta 18 a
Jarosław Grabowski
Agencja Aktorska GUDEJKO
Centrum Ogrodnictwa Warszawa
Studio Filmowe SKORPION

Other thanks to:
Mirek & Magda Kamińscy
Zdzisław Kozłowicz
Stan & Kiki Dwerniccy
Marian Serwin
Michał & Jane Bronka
Elżbieta Milewska
Andrzej Mauberg
Piotr Mazuś
Leszek Molski
Agata Manowska

THE WINDOWS FILM STUDIO, 14 Min, 35 mm, 1996.
© Hollywood 2013 by Daniel Strehlau