Studio filmowe OKNA

The pictures were made by Daniel Strehlau during his short visit in Paris. During a few days about 2500 pictures was created , about 118 was selected for the exhibition.

The exhibition is divided into 7 parts – 7 days. Each Part, each Day includes stills in Big Size format: A3 (29, 7 x 42cm) and Small Size (A5 / A4). The small size format could be presented as a one line under the big size format.
The total number of stills is about 118, but Big Size A3 only 55.
To shop: contact 

Each picture is sold in 5 copies only.  Two formats are available: big size - A3 (29, 7 x 42cm / 1 ft x 1,5ft) - 100 USD and small size A 4 (21 x 29, 7 / letter) - 50 USD. Other format are available for special wish.
The photography is printed on the paper stylized on the painting paper.

If you would like to wish to be only one owner of exclusive printed copy of particular photography, the prize will include the value of the rest 4 copies.

The delivery is not included in the prize. Author`s signature available.

All pictures from the web are in preview quality only. The originals have high quality.

The catalogue of all pictures from the web. The pdf file in preview quality - 14 MGb.

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© Hollywood 2013 by Daniel Strehlau